Stand Up For Kids, Boulder, Colorado
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Knitting 4 Children

STANDUP FOR KIDS is "A nationally acclaimed volunteer organization committed to the rescue of homeless and street kids!"

P.O. Box 21224
Boulder, CO 80308

Stand Up For Kids

Stand Up for Kids, Boulder, Colorado

Knitting4Children will be making hats, scarves and mittens in teen sizes for the Boulder, CO chapter of Stand Up For Kids. 

In response to my inquiry Ilene Blum, Ex. Director, StandUp For Kids/Boulder County wrote:

"Our teenagers prefer dark colors such as Black, Dark Green, Navy Blue, and Gray.  Our kids are tall with big hands (sizes/adult small, Medium, and Large). Our need is great, because we live in a cold climate and will greatly appreciate anything that your group can do for us. 

Last year these types of donations prevented a lot of Frost bite.  We went through over 200 pairs of gloves, 125 scarves, and 200 hats for our kids that range in age from ten to twenty one."

Completed items can be sent to the Boulder chapter of Stand Up for Kids at:

P.O. Box 21224
Boulder, CO 80308

You can also tie on a little note to each item with a little message, if your knitters would like.  Words of encouragement from people willing to take time to hand make something for our kids really makes them feel that they have not been forgotten.

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